Sunday, April 3, 2011

Celebrate New School with Ice Cream

Ice cream cart service was provided to each classroom in the single corridor that connects the entirety of the lower grades of Clarkdale, which encompasses a single wing on the Compton Simple campus. As he pushed the cart of sweet treats, Assistant Principal Tammy Watson was greeted with cheers from the scholars of "Yeah, ice cream!" As he proceeded from room to room, he delivered four messages to the scholars: The new school has been approved, & Principal Marjorie Bickerstaff ordered a schoolwide ice cream celebration. There were no objections to the latter.

At its Thursday night meeting, the Cobb County Board of Schooling voted to approve a $14.7 million construction bid to rebuild Clarkdale Simple. In the wake of that decision, a quiet celebration was held by the divided school.

Plenty of of the teachers were on hand at the earlier night's decision. Teacher Kevin O'Meara, who made a passionate plea to the school board to vote to rebuild, was still as excited on Friday as they was when they heard the board's final vote.

"I am so glad it was approved & to listen to them finally say that it was approved was as if they'd broken ground right there," they said.

He explained, "I have been here a long time, & it is because of the babies, community & sense of pride related to learning. I have been offered positions elsewhere over the years, but seldom entertained leaving here. Had it been decided to not rebuild, I was four times prepared to retire at the finish of the school year. Now, I can wait until they are in the new school & the circle will be complete."

Jaye Goddard, a teacher at Clarkdale for 27 years, was active in the months leading up to the decision.

When asked what they thought, babies in K-2 all had the same answer before devouring their ice cream, "It's great news!"
How did you celebrate the vote to approve construction costs for rebuilding Clarkdale? Tell us in the comments.


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